5 longevity secrets

Do you want to live to 100? Or simply enjoy a solid 80 years disease-free? While there’s not much we

Do you want to live to 100? Or simply enjoy a solid 80 years disease-free? While there’s not much we can do about our genetic makeup, we can make some easy, everyday choices that enhance our likelihood of advancing to a healthy old age. Here goes:

  1. Eat a largely plant-based diet, including beans and some soy
  2. Have a sense of purpose
  3. Enjoy antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables and beverages, including red wine, in moderation
  4. Take time to recharge and reduce stress
  5. Make low-intensity physical activity part of your daily routine

Those are the findings of Dan Buettner, author of The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest, according to Reuters Health. As you may recall, Dan partnered with the University of Minnesota to explore the world’s longest-lived regions and develop the Vitality Compass. (Go ahead, discover your biological age!)

So here’s a little exercise for today, to bring you one step closer to a long life: After work, take a long walk and think about your life. Then savour a colourful black-bean salad with a glass of Syrah. Finally, kick back and gaze at the stars.

Bliss! Even if it doesn’t lengthen your life, it makes me happy just thinking about it!