Half marathon = check!

It’s been a long journey but it’s done now’I ran the half marathon at Nike Women’s in San Francisco on


It’s been a long journey but it’s done now’I ran the half marathon at Nike Women’s in San Francisco on Sunday at exactly my goal time: 2 hours and 30 seconds. It was a great race, I had a blast and felt wonderful afterward. And it didn’t hurt that I also got to spend several days eating and walking my way through the city. (If you can’t have dessert at every meal on a running trip, when can you?)

Of course, the ankle that had been bugging me on and off for months took the opportunity to get upset right after the race, so I’m now on a mandated running (and ballet, and yoga, and walking for the most part) break. Which means that even though I was getting tired of the training before the race, now that I can’t run, it’s all I want to do.

So what’s my next step? Well, there was talk of a full marathon next year, but to be honest, I don’t know if I can commit the time. And anyways, I’d rather get faster first, I think. So next year will be a lot of 10Ks, starting with Sporting Life in May, definitely the Toronto 10-miler, and perhaps a half or two.

Thinking of starting up running, or increasing your distance to a new kind of race? I have two pieces of advice. First, train, but not too hard. And second, it’s not nearly as scary as you think.

View all of Kat’s running posts on the Half-marathon diaries home page.

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