6 Reader-Approved Ways to Get Fit Without the Gym

No gym? No problem! Our readers share how they get fit at-home and outdoors

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Getting out and playing like a kid. Riding a bike, ice-skating, cross-country skiing, kayaking, snowboarding. – Michelle Gee, Panorama, BC

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Squats! They are a great workout for your legs, gluteus and core. You can do them anywhere, no gym required. – Marcella Zatwarniski, Regina, SK

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I move the furniture in my living room so I can do fitness classes like Zumba and yoga from home. – Jennifer O’Donnell, Calgary, AB

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Walk as much as you can to do your errands and enjoy the outdoors. Walk at both a comfortable pace and a brisk pace to get a better workout. – Lori Lam, Toronto, ON (Read more on Why Walking is the New Wonder Drug)

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Make time to get outdoors for a walk no matter what the weather. It will refresh and energize you. – Georgia Bell, Gold River, BC

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Get off the couch, computer, gaming device or cell phone and MOVE! – Debbie Browne, Spruce Grove, AB

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